Mission & History


The Mission of Coastal Carolina Disaster Resiliency Agency (CCDRA) is to empower, recover and build stronger, more resilient communities.


Coastal Carolina Disaster Resiliency Agency (CCDRA) is continuing the work of the Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance - a long-term recovery group (LTRG) that began meeting soon after Hurricane Matthew hit eastern NC in October 2016.  The LTRG was formed with the help of FEMA Volunteer Agency Liaisons and a coalition comprised of representatives from corporations, faith-based organizations, community non-profits, governmental agencies, and concerned citizens in January 2017.

CCDRA's vision is to continue assisting those still affected by Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Florence with long-term recovery and unmet needs assistance and to be an ongoing resource for all future disasters that will happen again in Craven County.

CCDRA and our partners strive to ensure our community will be better prepared when a disaster happens. We seek to better educate families, businesses, groups, and those who are eventually affected by a disaster on what to do next.  Long-term recovery is a long process, sometimes 2+ years after the actual disaster, but if you know what to do before or immediately after a disaster the better off all those affected will be.

Acting as a Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG), CCDRA and our partner organizations in our county have come together to assist individuals and families in their recovery from disaster. This LTRG consists of representatives from public, private and not-for-profit agencies whose goal will be to share information and resources that will help residents prepare for, respond to and recover from future disasters.

CCDRA is an active member of NCVOAD and works closely with partners, organizations, and representatives at local, state, and Federal levels. This collaboration helps to ensure that our clients have all possible resources available for their recovery.