HOPE IS THE ANCHOR OF OUR SOUL! - Hebrews 6:19 LOCATION: Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church Sponsored by Calvary Christian Center, Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church, Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance, Released Women's Ministry and Women of the World Over, Inc. FOR DETAILS CALL (252) 638-2202 LEGAL INFORMATION LIVE MUSIC HEALTH AND WELLNESS SCREENINGS PRAYER […]
Legal Aid Disaster Relief Clinic_New Bern Need help with any of the following Insurance Claims / Appeals FEMA Appeals Contractor Issues Landlord / Tenant Issues Legal Legal Aid strongly encourage anyone interested in attending the meeting to call 1-888-219-5262 as soon as possible to be screened for eligibility. Please note that this meeting is completely […]
LOCATION: West New Bern Presbyterian Church A workshop presented by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in partnership with Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance & Faith Connection. Enjoy time and space for rest and reflection Share experiences that affected you Recognize and learn to alleviate common signs of stress Strengthen positive connections in your life Learn tools and […]