Updated as of 10:00 PM 9/9/2020:
The following is a list of resources compiled by CCDRA and our Partners. While we try to keep updated information, we highly recommend reaching out to the resources to confirm assistance is still available. Please remember to practice social distancing and wash your hands. If you are an organization that has assistance available and would like to be added to this list, please email Kristy.CCDRA@gmail.com or call 252-571-5663.
For more information or questions about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) please explore the following:
- https://www.nc.gov/covid19
- https://www.preventchildabusenc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/PCANC-COVID19-GUIDE.pdf
- NC 211: https://www.nc211.org/
- Dial 211 or 888-892-1162
- Text COVIDNC to 898211 to receive important updates and information by text
- NC Department of Health and Human Services: http://www.ncdhhs.gov/ or https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/public-health/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-response-north-carolina/individuals-families
- 1-866-462-3821
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
- H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act: https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/Families%20First%20summary.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3CZ5PgWvsRQv672thPu_f-S8t3eGSPzBliPF2wD1Htvu26si4Ho_zZZsM
- FEMA Rumor Control: https://www.fema.gov/Coronavirus-Rumor-Control
- SBA Small Business Disaster Loans: https://www.sba.gov/disaster-assistance/coronavirus-covid-19
- NC Coronavirus Hotline: 1-866-462-3821
- Nonprofit Pandemic Resource List (this list is for use by nonprofit groups): https://www.ncnonprofits.org/resources/pandemicresources
For more information about Craven County Services:
- Craven County Department of Social Services: 252-636-4900, https://www.cravencountync.gov/275/Social-Services
- Craven County Health Department: 252-636-4920
- Craven County Government Services: https://www.cravencountync.gov/
- Craven County CodeRed Emergency Alerts: https://www.cravencountync.gov/1663/County-Emergency-Notifications-via-CodeR
- Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance: https://ccdranc.org/
This information has been gathered by CCDRA and in collaboration with our partners at Eastern Carolina Council Area Agency on Aging. We would like to send a huge THANK YOU to them for helping us create such an informative list. We appreciate the hard work put into helping us compile this list by our partner at the Eastern Carolina Council Area Agency on Aging!
For community assistance, please contact the following:
Domestic Violence and/or Child Abuse:
- Coastal Women’s Shelter-Domestic Violence Agency (services Craven, Jones, and Pamlico counties). 1333 S. Glenburnie Rd New Bern, NC 28560.
- 252-638-4509 (main office number)
- 252-638-5995 (24 hour Crisis Line)
- https://www.facebook.com/CWSNC/
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224
- For non-verbal assistance: https://www.thehotline.org/
- For a list of shelters and assistance by county: https://nccadv.org/get-help
- Important Resources https://www.preventchildabusenc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/PCANC-COVID19-GUIDE.pdf
- Coastal Women’s Shelter-Domestic Violence Agency (services Craven, Jones, and Pamlico counties). 1333 S. Glenburnie Rd New Bern, NC 28560.
Legal Assistance:
- 1-866-219-5262
- http://www.legalaidnc.org/
Employment Closure/Lowered Hours/Unable to Work due to High Risk of Exposure:
- Unemployment: https://des.nc.gov/
- Faqs and more information: 888-737-0259
- Artists:
- NC Artists Relief Fund: https://visualartexchange.wufoo.com/forms/r545x8q1supxwk/
- Bartenders:
- Bartender Emergency Relief Fund: https://www.usbgfoundation.org/beap?fbclid=IwAR1qiX9mNONW1Go0ISAvxnB9aXOkUssyFzTwaxBUTZuc8iz23I-mR-heIOA
- Unemployment: https://des.nc.gov/
Tax Information:
- North Carolina State Tax filing and payment due dates have been extended. Please see details at: https://www.ncdor.gov/home/ncdor-actions-covid-19
- Federal Tax Filing and payment due dates have been extended. Please see details at: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus
Rent Payment Assistance:
- Salvation Army: Call Nancy at 252-637-2277. This is by appointment only. No walk-ins
- Catholic Charities: Contact 252-638-2188. This is by appointment only. No walk-ins
- RCS (Religious Community Services): 252-633-2767 ext 105
Utility Assistance:
- Salvation Army: Call Nancy at 252-637-2277. This is by appointment only. No walk-ins
- Catholic Charities: Contact 252-638-2188. This is by appointment only. No walk-ins
- RCS (Religious Community Services): 252-633-2767 ext 105
Food & Supply Assistance:
- http://www.coronacommunity.org/ is coming together to meet food needs as quickly as possible. They are asking people to put in requests while they continue to seek partners in our area.
- Craven County Schools Grab-N-Go Sites through December 31st
- 11AM-1PM at the following locations: JT Barber Elementary, AH Bangert Elementary, Brinson Memorial Elementary, West Craven Middle, WJ Gurganus Elementary, Havelock Elementary
- Craven Community Sites *Times Vary June 15th-July 31st
- VFL Bus: 10:40-10:50 Bailey Lane Apartments; 11:00-11:10 Oaks Apartments; 11:40-11:50 Macedonia FWB Church; 12:00-12:10 Caton Mobile Home Park; 12:15-12:25 Sandy Ridge Mobile Home Park; 12:45-12:55 Colonial Mobile Home Park; 1:00-1:10 Gracie Farms
- HHS Van: 10:55-11:05 Manteo Circle; 11:15-11:20 Hostess House; 11:25-11:35 Shepard Street; 11:35-11:40 Tryon Park Apartments; 11:45-11:55 Sanders Lane; 12:05-12:15 Lynnwayne Circle; 12:25-12:40 Jackson Trailer Park; 12:45-1:00 The Pines at Lake Road Apartments
- HHS Bus: 10:45-10:55 Havelock Manor; 11:00-11:10 Kelley Park; 11:15-11:20 Havelock Hills; 11:25-11:35 Laurel Hills; 11:40-11:50 Rice Lane; 12:05-12:20 Cherry Branch Clubhouse; 12:35-12:45 Godette Center; 12:55-1:10 Craven Corner Church
- WCHS Bus: 10:45-10:55 Redwood Terrace Mobile Home Park (End of WCMS Rd); 11:05-11:15 Township #9 FD (3783 NC 55); 11:30-11:40 Cove City Station 32 Fire Department (425 S. Main St); 11:50-12:00 Dover Town Park; 12:15-12:25 Ft Barnwell FD (9327 NC 55); 12:35-12:45 Riverside Christian Church; 12:50-1:00 Epworth Church
- Salvation Army: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10-11:45 am @ 1402 Rhem Ave New Bern, NC. Will need ID and a bag for food.
- Craven County Senior Services: Home Delivered Meals Program and Congregate Nutrition Program are still operational for people 60 years and older. Call 252-638-1790. No walk-ins.
- Home Meal Delivery Services:
- Meals on Wheels America: https://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/
- Moms Meals: 1-877-508-6667, https://www.momsmeals.com
- Silver Cuisine: 1-844-404-3663, https://www.silvercuisine.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwsMzzBRACEiwAx4lLG5FIAV-19twqcmBFNylc6Us0YIzcOiGCrkMUDM0xykknqdErs5AFxxoC0UUQAvD_BwE
- Parents needing food for their children:
- Text FOODNC to 877877 to locate nearby free meal sites. En Espanol text COMIDA to 877877
- Parents needing diapers for their children:
- https://ncdiaperbank.org/
- Craven County Department of Social Services—252-636-4900. See the following for details: https://www.ncdhhs.gov/assistance/low-income-services/food-nutrition-services-food-stamps
- Drive-thru Food Distribution:
- Abundant Life Community Services, Inc--1901 Garden St New Bern, NC 28560
- Provides food packages to residents of Craven County the second Tuesday of every month from 12-1 pm.
- Please call the office at (252) 633-3376 for instructions
- Abundant Life Community Services, Inc--1901 Garden St New Bern, NC 28560
- To find local food banks: https://foodbankcenc.org/find-help/food-finder/ or https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank
- Vanceboro Christian Help Center:
- Monday & Wednesday 8 am- 12. Located at 411 White Street, Vanceboro, NC. Please call 252-244-1141 for more information.
- Bryant Chapel AME Zion Church:
- Wednesdays at 1:30 pm first come first served. Located at 506 N Main St Cove City. They ask that you have your trunk open. Contact Ann Cherry at 252-631-0057 and leave a message for more information.
Child Care for Essential Personnel:
- NCDHHS Child Care Hotline: 888-600-1685 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Internet Services:
- Suddenlink is providing internet service for $14.99 per month with no annual contract for households that qualify for Free Lunch Program. Call 1-844-358-3147 for information and to see if you qualify.
Health Care, Mental Health, and Addiction Assistance & Information:
- Craven County Community Health Center: https://www.cravencountync.gov/1816/Craven-County-Community-Health-Center to make an appointment please call: New Bern Office 252-636-4920 Option 2 or Havelock Office 252-444-1533 Option 2
- BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina has expanded coverage and waived fees for members. If you have BCBS of NC, please see their website to see what this means to you: https://blog.bcbsnc.com/2020/02/what-you-need-to-know-about-coronavirus/#member
- Prescription Assistance:
- RCS (Religious Community Services)—252-633-2767 ext 105
- NC MedAssist: https://medassist.org/how-to-enroll/ or call 866-331-1348
- Trauma Focused therapy or Victim Advocacy:
- Promise Place- Crisis Line 252-635-7096
- Coastal Women’s Shelter-Domestic Violence Agency (services Craven, Jones, and Pamlico counties). 1333 S. Glenburnie Rd New Bern, NC 28560.
- 252-638-4509 (main office number)
- 252-638-5995 (24 hour Crisis Line)
- https://www.facebook.com/CWSNC/
- Pamlico Child & Family Therapy- 252-745-7401 -- https://www.pamlicocft.com/
- Also serves Craven & Jones County
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
- Disaster Distress Helpline:
- 1-800-985-5990
- Text “TalkWithUs” to 66746
- DisasterDistress.samhsa.gov
- National Helpline for referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community based organizations:
- Medicaid & Medicare:
- Medicaid has changed some of its policies to assist with costs and care during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information see https://medicaid.ncdhhs.gov/about-us/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-and-nc-medicaid or call: NC Medicaid Contact Center Phone: 888-245-0179
- Medicare: 1-800-633-4227, http://www.medicare.gov
- Disability Resources:
- Optum:
- 24 hour hotline for those experiencing anxiety around the COVID-19 pandemic: 1-866-342-6892
- Mental Health & Addiction: https://drugfree.org/parent-blog/covid-19-online-and-remote-resources-for-addiction-support/
- Mental Health, Substance Use, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities:
- Trillium Health Resources 24hour Access to Care Line: 1-877-685-2415
- Email info@trilliumnc.org
- Trillium Health Resources 24hour Access to Care Line: 1-877-685-2415
- Medication Home Delivery
- Amazon Pill Pack: https://www.pillpack.com/
- CVS: https://www.cvs.com
- Express Scripts: https://www.express-scripts.com/
- NowRX: Prescription Delivery Free in Under 5 Hours | NowRx ® Pharmacy
- Simple Meds: 1-877-512-4654, https://try.simplemeds.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwsMzzBRACEiwAx4lLG30uTQna8m3-cvi0LhpMGf8ljn_Ct6GE0qqb_jkpZ5DSqbcIPvOCrRoC33IQAvD_BwE
- Tricare Home Medication Delivery: https://www.walgreens.com/topic/pharmacy/prescription-delivery.jsp
- Walgreens: Prescription Delivery
- National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-6264
Senior Specific Resources:
- Eastern Carolina Council Area Agency on Aging
Servicing Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Pamlico, and Wayne County): 252-638-3185, www.eccog.org
- Eastern Carolina Council Area Agency on Aging
- Director: Tonya Cedars, ext. 3009
- Family Caregiver Specialist: January Brown, jbrown@eccog.org, ext. 3011
- Long-Term Care Ombudsmen: Angelia Pridgen, apridgen@eccog.org, ext. 3007 or Colby Smith, csmith@eccog.org, ext. 3010
- Lead Programs Monitor: Heather O’Connor, ext. 3012
- Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP): 1-855-408-1212, www.ncdoi.com/SHIIP
- National Institute on Aging: 1-800-222-2225, https://www.nia.nih.gov/
General Resources:
- Misc Health and Aging:
- Aging and Adult Services (NC): https://www.ncdhhs.gov/assistance/aging-and-adult-services
- Caregiver Alliance 24/7 Helpline: 1-800-272-3900
- Caregiver Connection Assistance Line: 1-866-211-3380
- Caregiver Help Desk: 1-855-227-3640
- Caregiver.com: 1-800-829-2734
- Children of Aging Parents: 1-800-227-7294
- Eldercare Locator: 1-800-677-116
- Exercise and Physical Activity, National Institute on Aging: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/exercise-physical-activity
- Hospice Foundation of America: 1-800-854-3402
- Long Term Care Regional Ombudsman: Colby Smith, 252-638-3185 or 1-800-824-4648
- Medicare: 1-800-633-4227, www.medicare.gov
- National Hospice & Palliative Care: 1-800-658-8898, 1-877-658-8896 (multi-language)
- National Institute on Aging: 1-800-222-2225, https://www.nia.nih.gov/
- North Carolina Assistive Technology: 919-859-8360, www.ncdhhs.gov
- North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM): 1-877-506-2226, 1-866-758-4673, www.ncbam.org
- North Carolina Independent Living Program: 1-877-699-7578
- North Carolina Lions Foundation (visually and hearing-Impaired assistance): 1-800-521-5247
- Nursing Home Complaint Hotline: 1-800-624-3004
- Social Security Administration: 1-800-772-1213
- Veteran Services Resources
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: 1-844-698-2311, www.va.gov
- Veteran Caregiver Support Line: 1-855-260-3274,
- Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255, www.va.gov
- Alzheimer’s Resources
- Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline: 1-800-272-3900
- Alzheimer’s Foundation: 1-866-232-8484
- Dementia Alliance of NC: Caregiver assistance line: 1-800-228-8738, www.dementianc.org
- Project C.A.R.E-Caregivers Alternatives to Running on Empty: Amanda Biggs, 252-414-3230
- Chronic Disease Resources:
- American Cancer Society: 1-800-227-2345, https://www.cancer.org/
- American Diabetes Association: 1-800-342-2383
- American Heart Association: 1-877-242-4277
- American Parkinson Disease Association (NC): 1-800-223-2732
- Cancer Care:1-800-813-4673
- Cancer Support Community Helpline: 1-888-793-9355
- International Hearing Society (Hearing Aid Helpline): 1-800-521-5247
- Kidney Helpline: 1-855-653-2273
- Lung Helpline: 1-800-586-4872
- National Cancer Institute: 1-800-422-6237, https://www.cancer.gov/
- North Carolina Deaf-Blind Services: https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/dsb/deaf-blind-services
- Parkinson’s Foundation: 1-800-473-4636, https://www.parkinson.org/
- Stroke Family Warmline: 1-888-478-7653
Special Accommodation Stores
- Dollar General- Monday-Sunday 8-9 a.m. are senior only shopping hours.
- Target- Tuesday and Wednesday from 8-9 a.m. for vulnerable shoppers
- 3410 Doctor MLK, New Bern
- Walmart- Walmart stores will open one hour before their regular store hours to host an hour-long shopping opportunity for customers that are 60 years old and older.
- Walgreens-Walgreens will be providing senior only shopping hours every Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Please contact your local Walgreens to verify participation and details.
Medication Delivery/Services
Additional restrictions and cost may apply.
- CVS- CVS provides same day delivery of prescriptions and personal essentials items. CVS can also provide, shipment/delivery in 1-2 business days. Call your local CVS for details or visit: https://www.cvs.com/content/delivery?icid=rxdelivery-tab-rxdelivery
- Realo Drug
- 502 West Thurman Rd, New Bern, 252-631-5444
- 1301 Commerce Dr, New Bern, 252-636-1711
- 2602 MLK Blvd, New Bern, 252-514-0374
- Trent East Pharmacy- 937 HWY 70 East, New Bern, 252-638-6500
Grocery Pick Up
Additional restrictions and cost may apply.
- Harris Teeter
- 3565 Doctor MLK Jr. Blvd, New Bern, 252-497-2113
- 2032 Waterscape Way, New Bern, 252-631-5226
- Food Lion- 3301 Doctor MLK Jr Blvd, New Bern, 252-635-3388
- Publix- 2004 S Glenburnie Rd, New Bern, 252-634-1646
- Target- 3410 Doctor MLK Jr, New Bern, 252-638-2954
- Walmart
- Havelock-566 US HWY 70 W, Havelock, 252-444-2055
- New Bern 2915 Neuse Blvd, New Bern, 252-649-6052
- 3105 Doctor MLK, New Bern, 252-637-6699