Sponsor A Home - Coastal Carolina Disaster Resiliency Agency

Sponsor A Home

It takes a village...

Since Hurricane Florence hit Eastern North Carolina in 2018, CCDRA and our partners have come together to help our community recover from the devastating damage left behind. Our "Sponsor a Home" program allows personalized dedication from supporters in our community (and beyond) to focus their funding on a project of their choice. We will tell their story. We will help them fight for their recovery. But we need supporters like YOU to help them!

Ms Mary's Home

Senior Citizens

Ms. Mary's home suffered fairly minor damage following Hurricane Florence in September 2018. The winds caused a small leak in her flat roof. When she discovered the damage, she did her best to do all the right things to meet her own recovery. This included taking out a personal loan to pay a contractor to fix those leaks.

When that contractor received her money to purchase supplies, he chose to leave without repairing the home. A few months later, CCDRA was notified of the situation and began working on her case. Upon review, we found that this elderly woman is as sweet, as humble, and as resilient as they come. She worked diligently to drag totes of water out of the house as the roof leak filled them, and tried her hardest to scrub mold to keep her house safe. Unfortunately, her efforts were not enough and she needs our help.

Ms Mary's damage started out as a "small leak" and has now resulted in the whole home being completely gutted due to mold and water damage taking over the entire home. Every personal item destroyed, every wall, every floor, and even the roof will need to be replaced.

If you can help, please make a donation HERE. You can designate your donation to "Ms Mary's Home" in the Additional Comment section on our donation page. Every donation gets us one step closer to handing Ms. Mary the keys to her home back!

Grandma's House

Families and Children

CCDRA responds to many requests for homes damaged that have children living in the damaged home. This causes concern as the living conditions can affect the children's growth and wellbeing in their young lives.

Our Family Sponsorship home belongs to a disabled grandmother who takes care of her two young grandchildren. Hurricane Florence caused roof damage that has impacted several rooms in the home when a severe leak developed. The livingroom, kitchen, and three bedrooms have water and mold damage.

CCDRA will replace several sheets of drywall in the affected rooms, put new fooring and paint each room as needed, replace the roof, and assist with replacing beds in the damaged bedrooms.

If you can help, please make a donation HERE. You can designate your donation to "Family Sponsor Home" in the Additional Comment section on our donation page. Every donation gets us one step closer to providing this family's recovery!

Serve our Veteran


This home belongs to a Veteran  and his wife, and it suffered wind driven rain damage and roof damage during Hurricane Florence. The roof damage caused leaking in 3 different rooms. Windows busted in the wind, causing more water to come into the home. We will be doing drywall, ceiling, and floor work in multiple rooms. We will also be replacing their roof to prevent further damage from happening. Broken windows will also be replaced.

This couple is motivated by Faith and community. We need the community to come together to get their recovery completed.

If you can help, please make a donation HERE. You can designate your donation to "Veteran's Home" in the Additional Comment section on our donation page. Every donation gets us one step closer to completing this Veteran's recovery!