Working Committees


(Donations, Fund-raising, and Accounting) – Works to secure grants, donations and other resources for CCDRA and coordinates with other entities (e.g., manufacturers, suppliers, etc.) to secure donations and funding.  Responsible for the financial controls and accounting of CCDRA.

  • Develop strategies for short and long term fundraising goals
  • Write grants or identify funding or tools needed for LTRG operations
  • Follow grant reporting guidelines; submit reports
  • Thank you letters to donors and supporters


To prioritize funding distribution, the committee will consider factors such as financial need, documented disability or health need, single parent, older adult, immediate need for safe housing, and other compelling factors. Documentation, as appropriate and available, may be required by case managers to verify need. Committee reviews and scores cases using a double-blind system.  Cases are then assigned to volunteer and intern CSR's (Client Service Representatives) who advocate for clients through their recovery process. The Case Management Committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:00pm via ZOOM.  They score cases weekly by email.

  • Score cases based on intake provided by clients
  • Implement scoring process following a disaster
  • Review scoring process at least quarterly to ensure score reflects current needs following through the recovery process
  • Determine priority for cases presented for scoring
  • Oversee the appeals process when a client challenges a determination by a CSR/case manager
  • Develop local case management group (faith-based organizations, non-profits, civic organizations). Any effort to make the case management process as personable as possible for the client goes a long way in rebuilding the community.


Secures rental, temporary or permanent housing assistance for disaster survivors.

  • Temporary rental assistance
  • Referral for rent/utility assistance
  • Education for landlords
  • Provision or purchase of essential appliances, including refrigerators, stoves, heating/air conditioning, small appliances, dehumidifiers (works with unmet needs)
  • Moisture control, mold remediation (works with construction)
  • Advocate for tenant rights
  • Volunteer housing


Oversees the coordination and scheduling of all rebuilding projects for cases approved by the CCDRA case management process and provides estimates and scopes of work for repair projects.  Works alongside the volunteer committee to match volunteer skills with repair project needs.

  • Coordinate with the Volunteer Management Committee regarding the use of volunteers for construction projects / clean-up projects
  • Plan projects and oversee construction
  • Estimate home repair costs
  • Determine needs and priorities based on the damages sustained (CA reports)
  • Plan for and assist in warehouse and inventory of donated goods
  • Donations Management Plan - donations management provides a comprehensive process that organizes the giving, receiving and distribution of both solicited and unsolicited donated goods so that the maximum benefit is derived for the disaster survivors. The direct recipients of donated goods could be disaster survivors, voluntary organizations or community-based organizations, and/or governmental agencies.
  • Manage the collection and disbursement of goods. Donations – food, water, cleaning supplies, building materials and other resources


In times of disaster, people lose their sense of safety and security and, often, deep questions about God and faith emerge. Moments like these require spiritual and emotional care teams to provide comfort, hope and help. Disaster victims are often vulnerable and hurting and simply need a listening ear to bring relief to stresses brought on by loss. This committee addresses the emotional and spiritual needs of individuals and families referred by case management and serves as "boots on the ground" immediately following a disaster.  They meet with the Case Management Committee on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:00pm via zoom

  • Coordinate community events, educational expos, town hall meetings and any other appropriate informational events
  • Coordinate community outreach and needs assessment efforts (Case Workers)
  • Distributes informational LTRG materials to affected residents and throughout the community
  • Assist individuals with emotional needs
  • Refer individuals to professional services when needed
  • Organizes support and educational meetings to help re-establish a sense of community
  • Makes formal presentations in the community to educate individuals and groups about available support
  • Provides services and resources as needs require to support the community
  • Community Spiritual Assessment
  • Attention to emotional and spiritual issues around Anniversary times
  • Organize community services of memorial, remembrance and recovery
  • Plan retreat opportunities for case workers, CSR, case managers and staff


The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee helps to create an inclusive environment that values difference perspectives and experiences. This committee promotes the importance of DEI, helps to identify and address systemic inequities in disaster in the community, works to ensure everyone feels respected and supported, and helps to ensure that a variety of voices are considered in decision-making.

  • Provide oversite on diversity efforts
  • Build trust in diverse communities and represent these communities to ensure a voice and representation
  • Ensure representation and inclusion for facets of diversity such as: age, religion, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, disability, veteran status
  • Develop strategies to improve organizational and community diversity and inclusion


Having a good communications strategy and plan is essential for the success of a long-term recovery group.  The Communications committee has already produced an informational flyer for Hurricane Florence, a disaster preparedness booklet and materials and actively manages a website and social media sites.  This committee is actively seeking an intern partnership and others interested in telling our disaster recovery story in Craven County.

  • Create and develop websites, social media and other online media
  • Coordinate all press/media activities to maintain messaging to the public that encourages LTRG operations and case management intake
  • Make friends—and stay connected to—media representatives. The media, TV, radio, newspapers, web users, bloggers, tweeters, Facebookers, all of them, can be your best ally and booster while you are working on long-term recovery. So befriend them early and treat them with respect as the special people they are – all along the journey. Your LTRG Communications and ESC Committees should work together to ply the media with information. Be intentional; keep information moving to your media contacts.


Receives and acts on referrals from Case Management Committee. Consists of Members and non-members bringing support (cash financial support), materials (donations, equipment, supplies furniture, appliances, etc.), or muscle (volunteer labor crews and expertise) to meet the needs of individuals who have been served by the case management process.  This committee currently meets on the 4th Wednesday at 1pm via zoom.

The goal of the Unmet Needs Committee of the Long-Term Recovery Group (LTRG) is to provide assistance from available funds to eligible individuals and families using a fair and equitable case management process. We recognize that the combined donations from all sources will not be enough to make survivors whole, thus it is necessary to prioritize eligibility. Membership on the Unmet Needs Committee is restricted to those organizations holding funds that are available for distribution to meet the unmet needs of the disaster survivors.

  • Forecast case management and unmet needs resources – short and long term goals
  • Develop and foster relationships with potential and current LTRG faith-based partners


Volunteers are a key component of disaster recovery. Since volunteers come with variety of skill sets, it is important to place volunteers in roles that fit their ability. Those skills and abilities may include but are not limited to: debris removal, cleaning out homes, repairing and rebuilding homes, case management, program leadership, office skills, as well as professional services such as legal advice, accounting and computer expertise.

Assists in public outreach to find local and non-local volunteers by reaching out to businesses and organizations--i.e. churches, corporations, colleges, civic groups. Provides logistical support for incoming volunteer work teams in finding housing, supplies needed, funding, etc.  The volunteer committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 12:00pm.  This committee meets via Zoom

  • Assist in clean up activities on affected properties by coordinating volunteer efforts
  • Coordinate all volunteers

The biggest aspect of any LTRG is knowing who’s doing what – are we making the most of what we have and are we maximizing our volunteers?

If we don’t work together, we’re working against each other.


Responsible for coordination and operation of county-wide disaster preparedness program.  Assists in planning and organizing annual disaster preparedness expos for the public, non-profits and faith-based organizations.  Participates in trainings provided by partners active in disaster quarterly.  The disaster preparedness committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 12:00pm.  This committee meets via Zoom

  • Develop partnerships with agencies active in disaster
  • Hazard Mitigation
  • Preparedness, response and recovery from disasters
  • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) operation during activation, training, drills and exercises
  • Provide information to the general public on disaster preparedness